Dear 여러분,
I never really know what to write at this point---but I guess anywhere's a good place to start. So maybe just like this: I got transferred from Jinju, my first area. I think the past few days were some of the weirdest I've had in a while. Walking around and seeing things that I've gotten so used to, and then realizing how I haven't seen them for that long---but also I have, in a way. I just remembered a lot of the things I've done here, and especially all the people we've met with. I don't think I really described well enough how incredibly generous and genuine the members and everyone here have been. They've always helped us with lessons whenever we needed it, and usually do a much better job of teaching. Most of the people we've been able to teach came from them sharing the gospel with other people. I know this is all kind of general, but I just hope you understand how grateful I am for them. We went to church this Sunday, and a lot people weren't there---they're all really busy, working in very hard jobs and taking care of their families and others. But I was able to talk to a lot of them and thank them, and remember even more of the great things they've done for me.
Then on Sunday night we went to the bishop's house for dinner---he's really an amazing guy. He goes every week to take care of his mom, but still made time to have us over. They made food without meat, which kind of made me feel bad, but also shows how amazing the people are here. It was something I've never really had before---you take rice paper dipped in water, and fill it with vegetables and other things and wrap it up and eat it whole. It's kind of like just making spring rolls---but a lot better. Before that I was kind of feeling a little weird, but being able to eat with them reminded me of how much love the members all have for each other, and it was really great. I'll miss everyone here, but I hope I can show other people as much love as the members here have to us. My new area is a city called Ulsan---the pronunciation is more like Ursan, but there's not really a good way to write it. Also, I'm going to be companions with a new missionary. I'm a little nervous, but I'm thankful for all your advice and everything, and I know it will help. I love everyone and miss you all. I've come to recognize more how much God loves us and is aware of all of our lives---and I hope you all know that I know that.
Keep it up, everyone.
-Elder Campbell